Blue Crane

Blue Crane

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Remark Photovoltaic Solar Energy Facility and Grid Infrastructure near Odendaalsrus, Free State Province
Genesis Eco Developments are proposing the development of an up to 240 MW Photovoltaic Solar Energy Facility (SEF), including grid connection and associated infrastructure (on-site substation, LILO substation, internal and perimeter access roads, operational and management buildings, temporary and permanent laydown areas, etc.). The proposed PV facility will be located on Portion 0 of Farm Thelma No. 104 and Portion 2 of Farm Eva No. 127, Registration Division ODNDAALSRUS, is situated within the Matjhabeng Local Municipality within the Lejweleputswa District Municipality. The proposed PV facility is located approximately 1 km outside of the town of Odendaalsrus along the urban edge, within the Free State province. Two (02) grid connection corridor alternatives have been identified for assessment traversing serval properties namely: Portion 2 of Farm Eva No. 127; Portion 7 of Farm Eva No. 127; Portion 2 of Farm Leeuwbosch No. 285; Remaining Extent of Farm Leeuwbosch No. 285; Portion 0 of Farm Thelma No. 104; The Farm Geduld No. 448, Portion 2 of Farm Odendaalsrus No. 428; including the following erven located on Odendaalsrus No. 428: Erf 2346; Erf 1/2346; Erf 2347; Erf 2348; Erf 2349; Erf  2273; Erf 2274; Erf 2275; Erf 2276; Erf 2277; Erf 2278; Erf 2279; Erf 2305; Erf 2306; Erf 2307; Erf 2308; Erf 2309; Erf 2323; Erf 2324; Erf 2231; Erf 2332; Erf 2333; Erf 2334; Erf 2335; Erf 2344; Erf 2345; Erf 1/2345; Erf 2258; Erf 2259; Erf 2260; Free State Province.
The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) footprint will be approximately 130 hectares in extent (excluding the grid connection corridors).
Kindly direct all comments, queries and responses to:
Blue Crane Environmental
EAP: Roschel Naidoo / Lisa de Lange
Cell: (063) 062-7725 / (084) 920-3111

Documents for public review are
available for download.